When I think of famous great women, I quickly think of Mother Teresa. Mother Nancy Rose may not be as famous, but to me you are just as great and giving.
"We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with Great love." Mother Teresa
"If you want peace, go home and love your family." Mother Teresa
"If you can't feed the whole world, feed just one." Mother Teresa
You have done countless small acts of thoughtfulness, kindness, and always shown love and concern for each of us in our family and many others where ever you have lived. You try to let each of us know we are important by remembering birthdays and special occasions and no occasions at all by sending notes and little gifts.
We can feel your love by your questions and attitudes. I know our children will never forget receiving 3-4 dollars in the mail with a note to go have lunch at McDonalds or packages with an assortment of items-even hot chocolate or apple cider mixes. And let's not forget animal cookies or the all time favorite, candy. Of course your love for buying others clothing (which I inherited) has always been appreciated. I will never forget when Gary was in Pharmacy school and we were dirt poor (actually we have recently discovered by filling in our swimming pool that dirt is quite expensive) all the beautiful baby clothing you bought for our children. They looked so cute thanks to you. And now days I never have to purchase bath nets, which I love, or dish towels which come in so handy, because you are always sharing them with us. Your love and concern has made us each feel like we matter in your world and that you are proud of us. Thanks so much for sharing and caring.
"I am a little pencil in the hand of God who is sending a love letter to the world." Mother Teresa
What an inspiration you have been and a missionary too by writing letters to sisters in Relief Society who do not wish to have contact with the church. You have done this for 15 years or more and I know your notes and little gifts have made a difference in their lives and helped them to feel God's love for them. Sheila and I have followed in your footsteps.
"Charity sees the need, not the cause." German proverb
I can remember when we were kids having a huge picnic feast at the park and you filling up a huge platter of food and taking it over to a homeless man. You didn't judge, you just wanted to help. I can also remember hearing you say over and over again while shopping, "Oh, this would fit so and so, they need some extra clothes." Half of the time you hardly knew them, but still you shared. You have shown many similar examples of this throughout your life. Always one to think of others, to sacrifice for others. What a Christ-like example you are and have always been to your posterity.
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." E.E. Hale
It takes a remarkable kind of mother for God to entrust His special angel children with. Starting with Connie, your heart has always been big enough and sturdy enough to care about those whose minds or bodies were different. It didnt matter to you what they looked like or how they behaved, you were there for them. You made a life work out of helping the developmentally disabled. You loved, you cared, and you served. Just think how better our world would be if we all possessed such a heart. What another great Christ-like example you have been to your posterity.
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor." Henry David Thoreau
All your life you have been and hard worker and valued the importance of a good education. In the midst of raising 12 children and during a time when women didn't pursue higher education as much as they do now, you set your sights on a college degree and achieved it. You knew that unless you wanted to work for pennies you needed a good education. First you began at Green River Community College and then finished up at the University of Washington receiving your Bachelors in Social Work. How fitting, your grandchildren have followed suit. Both Jason and Amanda have received Masters degrees in the Social Sciences and Aaron his Doctorate in Pediatrics. Let's not forget Heather, who like yourself, is class by class finishing her Bachelors degree while raising two little boys. All of them are pursuing or are now working in professions that serve others. Your encouragement and praise for educational achievement has netted great results. Thanks for teaching us all that if you work hard and keep persisting you can improve your life.
"If you suffer, thank God, it's a sign you are still alive." Elbert Hubbard
"The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it." Helen Keller
You are such a great example of overcoming pain and suffering and making the most of your life. You do not dwell on the past and you face each new day with faith, courage, and gratitude for another day. I know pain has been a daily acquaintance and yet you move onward, leaning on the Lord for support and strength. Thank you for the example of enduring to the end and still living as full of a life as possible. Another great example for your posterity.
In closing, I want to share the words to the song by Jenny Phillips, titled: "Lighthouse in the Night"
You are like a lighthouse to all of us, we love you so much!
Diane, Gary, and all our children and their families
Lighthouse in the Night (by Jenny Phillips)
Through the rain - through the fog - Your light reaches to the lost - You are a believer - Built on the one sure rock - Full of the flame of God in your life
You stand tall above the seas - Spreading life for all to see - There are so many who can see your life - So many searching that will see you shine - Your example steers them to Christ - Like a lighthouse in the night
Full of hope - full of peace - How bright your faithfulness beams - You make the way clearer - Leading souls home again - You are reminding men of the way
You stand tall above the seas - spreading life for all to see - There are so many who can see your life - So many searching that will see you shine - Your example steers them to Christ - Like a lighthouse in the night
Through the rain and through the fog - We're reaching out to all the lost - Through the rain and through the fog - We're reaching out to all the lost - We are disciples of Christ - And He is our light
We stand tall above the seas - Spreading light for all to see - There are so many who can see our lives - so many searching that will see us shine - May our examples steer them to Christ - Like a lighthouse in the night
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